We Are Ohio is a coalition of unions all across the state of Ohio that formed to stand up for the rights of working people.

Formed in 2011, We Are Ohio led the effort to veto Senate Bill 5, an anti-worker bill that would have eliminated the collective bargaining rights of thousands of public employees. We collected 1.3 million signatures – the largest number in Ohio’s history – and then went on to defeat the bill by a 62-38 percent margin that November.
After 2011, we continued to build on our momentum, fighting back against Right To Work is WRONG, and any and all attacks on the rights of workers in Ohio.

Most recently, We Are Ohio worked closely with the No On Issue 1 campaign in the special August election of 2023. Extreme lawmakers wanted to eliminate the principle of one person one vote and drastically change the laws surrounding citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio. Mind you, a citizen-led ballot initiative is the way that we were able to reject Senate Bill 5 back in 2011. We knew we had to come together again in a big way.
On August 8, 2023 voters overwhelmingly rejected Issue 1 with a decisive margin of 57 percent to 43 percent, and protected majority rule in Ohio.
Today, we continue our mission of education about workers’ issues and legislation that affects the rights of workers in Ohio.
We are public and private sector workers.
We are autoworkers and tradesmen.
We are police officers and firefighters.
We are teachers and nurses.
We are Republicans, Democrats, business leaders, mothers, fathers and your neighbors.
We Are Ohio.