Current Fights
Collective Bargaining Rights Threat →
Extreme anti-worker lawmakers are at it again. Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland) has pledged to attack bargaining rights again as we enter a new legislative session.
Enemy Watch →
All across Ohio, disingenuous organizations are worming their way into Ohio politics. Funded by out-of-state billionaires like the Koch family, Betsy DeVos, and more -they lobby for anti-worker bills like Right to Work (is Wrong), and against collective bargaining rights
Right to Work →
Right to Work is Wrong because it is controversial, complicated, and we don’t need a law in Ohio that takes away our rights and voice in the workplace.
Past Fights
We Are Ohio has spent more than a decade fighting for policies that are good for Ohio workers – and standing strong against legislation that will hurt workers. Our organization was founded on standing up against Senate Bill 5 in 2011. We continue fighting for issues that matter to the working people of Ohio. Here are a few of the battles we have fought since we started:
Senate Bill 5 →
Senate Bill 5 was the worst attack on workers’ rights in Ohio history, and our victory over it was historic as well.
One Person. One Vote. →
We Are Ohio worked to vote NO on Issue 1 in August of 2023 to protect majority rule.
Citizens Not Politicians →
Voters should pick their elected leaders instead of politicians picking their voters. End gerrymandering and hold politicians responsible in our state.