March 19 is Primary Election Day in Ohio. It’s critical that we elect legislators that will stand with working people. We saw in August when extreme lawmakers tried to dismantle the sacred principle of one person one vote with Issue 1. We fought back and won, but we should never have been in that situation in the first place. We must vote for pro-worker candidates in every election, every time.
So mark your calendars and make your voice heard!
Below is a timeline of important election dates and important links so that you can make sure you cast your vote this March.
Voter Registration Deadline: February 20
Are you registered to vote? You can check your registration here and register to vote here.
Early In-Person Voting Begins: February 21
To find early voting times and locations, click here.
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballots: March 12
Learn how to request an absentee ballot here.
Primary Election Day: March 19
Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Find your polling location here.