After years of pledging her loyalty to working people and unions, state Rep. Gayle Manning voted for the worst attack on collective bargaining rights since Senate Bill 5.
Gayle failed working people in Ohio so please call her at 614-644-5076 and let her know we won’t forgive and we won’t forget.
Gayle Manning still has a chance to redeem herself and demonstrate she will stand up for working people against pressure from extreme anti-worker, anti-union lawmakers in Columbus.
Senate Bill 83, the higher education destruction bill, must still go before the full Ohio House for a vote so Gayle Manning has another shot to make it right.
After you have called Gayle Manning, make a second call to House Speaker Jason Stephens at 614-466-1366 and let him know there is widespread opposition to SB 83.
More than 100 unions oppose the proposed law.
More than 500 people testified in opposition in committee, a record number.
More than 2,100 people like you signed a letter of opposition.
And more than 50,000 emails have been sent to lawmakers, telling them to vote no.
We need your help.
Call Manning at 614-644-5076 and let her know Gayle failed us.
Call Speaker Stephens at 614-466-1366 and let him know the legislature should reflect the will of the people, not the anti-worker schemes of the few.