This is not a false alarm.
An anti-worker state senator, Jerry Cirino, recently introduced Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the worst attack on collective bargaining rights since SB 5, the unfair, unsafe law in 2011 that would have hurt us all.
We fought back and overcame SB 5 and voters in Ohio overturned the bad law by a 62-38 margin.
It’s time to stand together again and fight back against SB 1.
SB 1 is the first bill the Ohio Senate introduced in the new legislative session.
It’s a message that this is their number one priority.
The highest priority for the Senate Republican caucus this year is attacking working people and their rights.
SB 1 is a harmful an attack on working people, labor and unions.
SB 1 handcuffs collective bargaining rights by limiting bargaining rights that are key to the terms and conditions of employment.
SB 1 attempts to silence the voices of more than 10,000 union workers who educate the next generation of Ohio leaders and drive Ohio’s research economy.
SB 1 hurts working people because it creates an unacceptable foot in the door effort to limit collective bargaining rights for public safety and public health jobs and workers.
SB 1 begins the dismantling of collective bargaining rights for all workers and that is unacceptable.
Last November, the election was about jobs and pocketbook issues like the price of groceries, heating bills, prescription drugs, and gas for our vehicles.
Do you recall any of these career politicians saying once they got elected they were going to attack working people and their rights?
We need to send a message to Jerry Cirino.
Senator, get your priorities straight.
Click here to send an email directly to Sen. Cirino.
We are stronger together and we need to defeat SB 1.